June 8, 2009

Second wave of cucumbers

Lots of yummy tomatoes.

June 5, 2009

The hops is growing like crazy.

Cucumbers needed additional support.

Basil has sprouted. But not marigolds or tomatoes. Those were from my own seeds so they might not.

I cut the lettuce all the way back a week or so ago and it started coming back. So I'll see what happens. I caught Twin sleeping in this planter! She likes sleeping in dirt-weird cat.

A new smaller planter with some decorative grass that has been become very popular lately.

Gonzo watches me through the window.

Cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers seedlings. Hope I didn't start them too early. Live and learn.

May 28, 2009

The finished planter!

Tomatoes have been producing steadily. About a handful a day.

Hops bud or "cone"

Greg took out the 3 other containers with hops. They never grew and the roots rotted. Not sure why. I did discover Twin cat sleeping on top of one of them, which probably didn't help.

New growth and blooms on the cucumbers.

Coriander seeds.

The aloe plant has off shoots. So I dug them up and transplanted them.

Starting from seed: sunflowers, zinnias, cherry tomatoes and marigolds.

May 15, 2009

More progress on the planter.

May 13, 2009

The one hops plant is growing great.

Cherry tomatoes are the way to go. Every day you pick a handful. I've always had trouble with critters eating my regular tomatoes before they are ready to be picked. Not a problem here.

A new ornamental grass. I've been seeing them all over lately.

The planter in progress.

Lots of roots and stuff to be dug up.